Monday, August 12, 2013


Hey, so first I just want to thank all of you for writing me!! Other missionaries get jealous because I get so many letters, :)))) so thank you. It's the best. Man, Alec, I can't wait for you to get your call!!! It's gunnna be awesome!! Almost ready to get those teeth yanked out, haha.

So, last Monday we actually went up into the mountains with a scout group from mainland. It was super fun. We sang campfire songs and stuff. When they started the fire all the kids were freaked out, haha. I don't think they had ever seen a fire before :p It made me realize how blessed I am to be able to do all that stuff before my mission. 
Also, the other day Elder Kwan and I decided we were going to tract out a chyun (village) that we had never been to before because it was on the edge of our area, on the other side of where we live. We started out and came to this big hill. I loved it, haha, it reminded me of when I used to ride up Beaver canyon on my bike. Kwan didn't like it so much though, haha. He couldn't understand why I loved biking up this hill, and I'm not sure myself, either haha. Anyways, we got to the top and the road kept getting smaller and smaller, and the forest kept getting bigger and bigger, until we were in the straight up jungle! 
Haha, no kidding! I was waiting for George of the jungle to swing by, haha. Then, finally it opened up to this little valley overlooking all of Kam Tin and parts of Yeun Long. It was the most beautiful thing I think I've ever seen, and this little chyun nestled in the middle. At first we didn't have much success, and we were absolutely soaking wet from the climb. I've never sweated so much in my life, but right before we were going to come down I stopped at another house, and the guy let us into his backyard. We taught him and his wife. I thought the lesson went really well. He liked to talk to us, but wasn't super interested in our message, but his wife seemed like she might be, so we gave her a Book of Mormon and she agreed to read it. So even though this wasn't an immediate success story, it was cool. 
We also had moves this week. My companionship stayed the same, but we lost Elder Ward and Au in the apartment which made me sad because I love those guys. And this is Elder Ward's last move, so he'll go home, and I probably won't be able to see him before he goes because he got transferred to the other side of Hong Kong. But we'll hang out after the mission. We also got a call Saturday that we were getting summer missionaries again and that Elder Kwan and I would be training them. I don't know why because I'm about as far from qualified for this as I can be, but the Lord wants me to do it, so I promised him to do my best. We picked them up this morning and my summer missionaries don't speak English... So, I'm training in all Chinese. Please pray for me, haha. These next two weeks are gunna be interesting, but we'll work hard!! Thanks for everything. I love you all. Keep the faith!
Elder Mikesell

1 comment:

  1. Good job Elder...keep up the good work. So proud of you!!!! :-)

    Brother Chapin
