I don't really have a lot of updates on investigators, we don't really have any right now. Well, we may have one, he's Sister Chan's friend, she has given us like 6 referrals, it's awesome. But, we've only met with one of them more than once. His name is Mr. Chan (no relation, there are only probably a dozen different surnames in Chinese, so a lot of people have the same last name).
My apartment is really small... I took a video tour of it, but it's on the newer SD card, so you don't have it yet. I'll send it though. There are four of us living in it instead of 6, though. It's only us and the other companionship in our apartment. Elder Water, who I lived with in Kam Tin and Elder Au who I also lived with in Kam Tin but at different times ( I was there for a while). It's a huge coincidence that we all ended up on the complete other side of the universe here in Abderdeen. We used to have the Abderdeen Sisters in our district and the Mandarin Sisters but they are both gone. Our apartment is probably about the size of the family room at home, not including the kitchen, but not as open. My companion, Elder Phillips is cool. He's from Arizona originally but has lived in Wisconsin and Michigan. His dad is a pilot and wrote a cool book that I want to read when I get back. His Chinese is super good. Our district just got smaller cuz we combined zones and people got moved around. But that's fine with me cuz I'm responsible for less people!
I read the Liahona sometimes and look for stuff I can help people, I'm also in Judges in the Bible, but most of the time is spend in the Book of Mormon and Preach my Gospel. I read Jesus the Christ a while back, and I think it's my favorite book of all time. I've pretty much memorized Preach my Gospel, but I still get new stuff from it when I read. Obviously, the Book of Mormon is great. I just went through the Isaiah chapters and compared them to the Isaiah verses in the bible. I read them side by side and underlined everything that was changed and it is actually pretty cool. Some things are pretty insignificant but others things change the entire scripture.
The members are great and help out a lot with teaching lessons, etc. We are just trying to get them to invite their friend/family member/acquaintances to activities and stuff. Food is a lot of ramen and rice. Nothing too crazy, normally. Well, I hope you have gotten a little more insight into the world of Elder Mak. Sorry it's not super exciting, but it's important. I'm still keeping a daily journal. I haven't missed a day yet. I figured I've gone too long to stop now, haha.
Love you! Thanks for everything and the updates and pictures and stuff. Keep the faith, never quit, just keep swimming. Hope conference was good. We will see it this coming week cuz it needs to get translated. Love you all, thanks for all the support.
Elder Mak
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