March 1, 2015
Hey, so this week was good. It was transfers, and I surprisingly got a new companion, but I'm stoked cuz he's a boss. Elder Merrel is his name. Kind of new, been in for about 6 months. I picked him up from the airport, haha. But super cool awesome missionary. He can also dunk which is sick. Especially at like 5' 9ish. Super athletic. We've seen some miracles this week. Got a call from a former potential investigator who wanted to meet out of no where, and we taught one of the best lessons of my mission! She's so golden. Also, got into a house of a family! So, hopefully something comes from that. Elder Ballard was super cool. Got to hear him speak twice and meet him which was cool. So, lots of cool stuff happening! Love you guys! Keep it up! Add oil!